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Demystifying the Leading Indicators of Partnership Success with Cloud Marketplaces

A guide to tracking early success in your marketplace listings.

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Leading Indicators of Success - hyperscalers

Think of partnerships like gardening...

Partnerships, much like your internal sales team, are seen as successful by sales and executive teams alike based mostly on pipeline and closed deals. These are important metrics to sustain a business and fund an alliance team, but they can’t be the only metrics you track in the first 12-24 months.

Just because you built it does not mean they will come. Partnerships in AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud Marketplace are a long game. They are fruitful and beneficial, but building partnerships with cloud sales teams and other partners also takes time. 

In this eBook, we’ll dig into the leading indicators that help track success on the way to dollars, think of partnerships like gardening. From selecting the right plant for your climate, to growing leaves and flowers, to having a full blooming garden. Ready to grow your garden?
Download the eBook today.

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Launching in a cloud marketplace is a journey, but not one you need to go alone.

What is co-selling with AWS Marketplace?

Co-selling with AWS Marketplace offers ISVs an opportunity to share leads with AWS Partner and AWS Sales teams, ultimately driving more revenue and success. In general, AWS Sales reps are looking to sell third-party solutions that also help them sell more AWS products. 

By co-selling with AWS, ISVs increase the likelihood of closing a deal, providing value for both the ISV and AWS.

How does co-selling work?

All co-sell activities happen in ACE, short for APN Customer Engagement. Here, you will register all of your deals. But to get the attention of PDM and AEs, you will need to prove that you have some track record of success. Download our eBook to learn more.

Helpful AWS co-selling acronyms
  • AWS Partner Network (APN): Familiarize yourself with APN’s structure, benefits, and partner tiers.
  • AWS Marketplace: Explore the AWS Marketplace, check out competitors, and look at industry verticals.
  • AWS Marketplace Management Portal (AMMP):The AWS Marketplace Management Portal provides sellers with a centralized platform to manage their product listings, track sales and revenue, request marketing support, and collaborate with AWS on co-selling opportunities.
  • MP - The abbreviation for Marketplace.

Partner Program:

  • MDF: Discover how participating in certain programs can help you unlock marketing development funds (MDF).
  • ACE (APN Customer Engagements): Learn about ACE, the portal for co-selling opportunities with AWS.
  • ISV Accelerate. Learn about the requirements for co-selling programs like ISV Accelerate, which connects ISVs with a PDM.


  • PDMs (Partner Development Manager): Think about what you need to get connected with a PDM, a Partner Development Manager who can introduce you to AEs.
  • AEs (Account Executive): Understand how AWS account executives (AEs) sell third-party solutions on the Marketplace.
  • BDM (Business Development Manager): Focus on verticals and segments within the AWS Marketplace
Benefits of co-selling with AWS
  • Larger deals
  • Better rate increases
  • Streamlined sales cycle
  • Faster procurement 
  • Simplified legal approvals 
  • ISVs can leverage cloud commitment spend programs, Enterprise Discount Program (EDP) and Private Pricing Agreement (PPA)
AWS co-selling tips
  • Get the attention of a PDM (more on that in our eBook)
  • Build a compelling “better together” story
  • Nail your differentiation – what makes your solution stand out from competitors?
  • Prove to AWS Sales that your solution can help them sell more AWS products
Good/Best/Better ACE Progression


  • Join AWS Partner Network
  • Accept ACE Terms and Conditions
  • Enroll in Software Path
  • Share your opportunities in ACE


  • Submit 10 validated opportunities
  • Create an active Partner Solutions Finder Directory listing
  • Complete FTR (Foundation Technical Review)


  • Join ISV Accelerate
  • Develop a co-marketing plan
  • Develop 5 customer success case study papers
  • Develop Field Ready Kit for AWS Sales 
  • Have AWS Marketplace listing
  • Set up Marketplace Private OFfers
  • Develop and execute GTM strategy